Stainless Steel Pallet Jack for food and medical industries

Let’s face it, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives. It has gotten better, but who can forget those early, horrific days when schools were closed and the kids were forced to stay indoors for months on end? When the local pubs and restaurants were shut when we couldn’t even use the gym as an excuse to escape the madhouse that our homes had become?

But the pandemic has also changed the way we do business, and one of the most seismic shifts has been in our attitudes to cleanliness. We can barely walk ten paces without being sprayed with sanitiser. (Rightly so.) Our hands are the cleanest they’ve ever been (and also so dried-up they look like they belong to a ninety-year-old Eastern European farm worker, but that’s beside the point).

So why should the factory floor be any different? Our employees don’t want (and shouldn’t have to) work with equipment that was last given a good scrub a couple of years ago, and even then by some guy with a cold, a runny nose, and an old dishrag he found under the sink in the communal kitchen.

That’s why the Stainless Steel Pallet Jack is the perfect warehouse equipment for companies that have to adhere to strict sanitary and hygiene guidelines but also have lots of material lifting and handling to do. (Such as the food, drink, and medical industries.)

The Stainless Steel Pallet Jack is a manual jack made entirely from anti-corrosive stainless steel, making it easy to keep clean and hygienic.  (And in these days of living in an apocalyptic Stephen King novel, that’s a pretty big bonus.) Its robust design can withstand the harshest demands when exposed to factors such as salt and various chemicals, (plus that one employee who can’t quite figure out how to move items around corners without banging into everything).

The pallet jack retains its shape even in the most extreme temperatures. Heat, (we’re looking at you, bakeries), and cold, (we’re looking at you, cold storage freezers). It even retains its weight under the heaviest of loads (up to 2.5 Tons!), so even when all of your employees pile on for a game of Office Olympics, the pallet jack will keep ongoing.

It’s the type of warehousing equipment that will not only last for years to come, but will make your competitors jealous of how nice and shiny it looks. (And let’s face it, that’s the real reason we all get up in the morning.)

All repairs are done locally by Caslad and a 6-month warranty is given at purchase. Inhouse repairs are also an option.

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